I recently sort of re-found this blog, and I feel bad for not having been more diligent about maintaining it. Life has been getting in the way and I haven't done much to the car in the last few years (!), but it still runs well and drives well, and we still enjoy using it on the weekends to go for ice cream and the like. Time has come though to revisit some things - like changing the oil and attending to the steering column bushings which are still in the box from 2013. Tempis Fugit...
I will try to make some time this fall to clean the garage and start puttering on the car again - and will also post some updates here! I hope that this blog has been interesting to some of you and helpful to others!
Safety Fast!
Jim in NH
Update: Carolyn and I took the MGA out on Sunday to do some leaf peeping. We went to the America's Stonehenge in Salem, NH - really neat if you haven't been there - and to the 603 brewery in Derry. I am happy it's pumpkin beer season! My SO definitely likes the car better as a car then just as a project. Car ran great! I think I need to change the oil, though. It's been a while (last year?), but I haven't driven the car much so it seemed unnecessary. I also noticed that some of the "to do" items on my repair list page from 2014 are still not done. Odometer does not work and the tach won't drop below 2000 rpm unless you tap on the glass. I think next weekend (and some evenings this week) I will spend some time cleaning and sorting the garage to make some room - both physically and in my head - to get back to some of these projects.